Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jake Salvador

Two kids contrast their smile against their filthy surroundings that stinks at the Payatas Landfill in Quezon City, where nearby communities earned their living through collecting and selling segregated plastic, paper and metal garbage. The landfill used to be the main spot for garbage disposal in Metro Manila that eventually turned into an electric producing facility in 2008, it converts garbage to biogas into electricity, that now helps to power the Metro.

Ekis, The photograph is first published in Philippine Collegian, Circa 2003


  1. Children play at the Payatas landfill in Quezon City, Philippines. The locals scraped a living by collecting and reselling segregated plastic, paper and metal garbage. For years the landfill was the main dumping ground for Metro Manila. In 2008, this landfill was transformed into a electricity producing facility, where biogas is coverted intto electricity, which powers the city.

  2. Children play at the Payatas landfill in Quezon City, Philippines. The locals scraped a living by collecting and reselling segregated plastic, paper and metal garbage. For years the landfill was the main dumping ground for Metro Manila. In 2008, this landfill was transformed into a electricity producing facility, where biogas is coverted intto electricity, which powers the city.

  3. Children are playing at the Payatas landfill in Quezon City. The community scraped a living by collecting and reselling segregated plastic, paper and metal garbage. The landfill is used for dumping ground for Metro Manila. In 2008, the technology used for producing electricity from this garbage, which converted garbage to bio-gas and bio-gas to electricity that powers the Metro Manila. © Jake
